What is it?
There are 2 types of pigmentation, ‘hyper-pigmentation’ and ‘hypopigmentation’ An increase in melanin (hyperpigmentation) can be caused by an increased number of pigment cells (melanocytes) or from increased production of the melanin pigment. The skin becomes darker in patches and normally affects the face, chest, arms and back of the hands. Hypo-pigmentation is caused by a decrease in melanin, this is important as melanin protects the body from the damaging UV rays, so if you have hypo- such as vitiligo or albinism, you will have to be extra cautious with the sun and seek medical help.
The sun, hormones, genetics, medication, skin ageing and inflammation are the main factors that influence skin hyper – pigmentation. These factors can cause melanin to distribute unevenly in the skin and cause an uneven, blotchy, ’freckle like’ appearance.

We provide a customised package to treat and control pigmentation. Pigmentation is very difficult to treat so it is imperative that the correct skincare is used to compliment the treatments and to achieve faster results. Here are some helpful self-help techniques to reduce pigmentation:
- Wear sunscreen continuously.
- After a skin treatment, be extra careful with sunscreen.
- Avoid sunbathing and tanning beds.
Before & After